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WWW Wednesday


WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words. All you have to do is answer the three Ws, which are listed below. 

Feel free to post a link to your blog post or leave a comment if you do not have a blog.
The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?

Currently reading the sequel to From Ash and Blood, this book is longer than the first. I'm currently loving it just as much as the first book and really looking forward to finishing it.

What did you recently finish? 

I recently finished this gem of a book, and I'm super excited to review it. I absolutely loved it and finished the book after 4-5 hours of intensive reading. This book is definitely worth the hype it is getting. 

What will you read next?

Depending on my mood, I will either be reading One of Us is Lying or The Wicked King. I think I'm leaning more towards The Wicked King, but that might change after I finish A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire.
What are you currently reading?


  1. I am low-key obsessed with One of Us is Lying. I read it and listened to the audiobook later which is excellent. I really enjoyed The Wicked King as well so there are no bad choices here! Have a great week - here is my WWW

    1. I'm glad to hear that, hopefully I will love both of them just as much as you! :D

  2. I like the look of One of Us Is Lying. Enjoy your week, and here's MY WWW POST


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