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WWW Wednesday



WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On a World of Words, all you have to do is answer the three Ws which are listed below. 

Feel free to post a link to your blog post or leave a comment if you do not have a blog.
The Three Ws are:
What are you currently reading?

Currently just started to read Madness by Paityn E.Parque, this book was given to me as a review request. The athour is only 15 years old and so far I'm very impressed by how well written and planned the book is. I'm excited to see how the plot will continue to devoled and the characters. 

I'm still reading this book... I like it a lot, but I recently caved in and bought a kindle. This means I'm currently super obsessed with it and therefore have only read on my kindle the last weeks. I will finish this book eventually. 
What did you recently finish? 

I finished The Cruel Prince. I really liked it and I'm looking forward to reading the sequel. The review for this book will be up during the weekend I assume. Depending on how much time I have.

What will you read next?

Yes, I will still read this book next, it was just put on hold since I got a book for reviewing which I
intend to finish first. 

What are you currently reading?


  1. Oh! 😍 "Red Rising" and "Before the Coffee Gets Cold" are both on my TBR List. I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying Brown's book. I can't wait to read the series.

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

    Here is my WWW Wednesday post. Check it out when you get a chance!

  2. I am STILL obsessed with the Red Rising Trilogy! Not sure how I felt about the four installment but I know I'll pick up the fifth book. I keep seeing Before the Coffee Gets Cold and every time it looks more and more intriguing.

    Have a great week!


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