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Review - Wave Runners

Title: Wave Runners
Author: Peter Anthony Kelly
Published: December 5th 2012


Sun... sand ... and Pirates?

Another vacation, another adventure for Jim Winters and his younger sister, Erica. Winning a spot in a prestigious competition is the ticket to Jim's future, the chance to follow his dream and do what he loves. The Caribbean cruise that's part of the prize is an unexpected bonus for him and his family. So when modern-day pirates take over the ship, Him resists the urge to fight back. After all, he's there to compete, not save the world. That's his father's job, not his.
But the pirates won't leave him alone, and Erica keeps turning up clues about the pirates' identity. And when Jim's girlfriend gets caught in crossfire, he has to something. A daring venture into the pirates' lair risks the siblings'  lives, reveals a startling plot, and forces Jim to rethink his life-long dream. In the end Jim and Erica just can't help making waves.


Do you like to read about evil pirates, and teenagers that solves the mystery?  Do you like action and comedy? Well then this book is something for you!

Gawd, I don't know where to start! Kelley have done  it again! He wrote a fantastic story about two young teenagers that solves an exciting mystery. I absolutely love Jim and Erica, though I have to admit my favorite character have to Erica. She is so down to earth, but still funny and very smart.

While reading Wave Runners I found myself crying and laughing. Kelley knows how to bring the feelings from the characters to the readers. He does an amazing job once again.

Several characters were introduced and I loved most of them, especially Master Chef. He was maybe the worst and most awesome chef I have ever read about. Though of course there are characters that I didn't get along with, such as Reeno's aunt and some of the competitors.

Even though the book was great in so many ways there are some few elements that I didn't understood. When the pirates took over the boat, they didn't noticed them. The people on the cruise got to keep on with their activities and after the pirates ran away everyone on the cruise kept doing their normal activities and even the competition continued, like nothing happened. That was kinda wired I think.

But I loved how he worked with the plot, and how the whole situation looks rather dark but suddenly  they find a way out of it. There is so many twists and turns and it's fantastic!

I liked this book so much and I give it 5 stars!


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