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The Pineville Heist - Street Tour ( Review )

Title: The Pineville Heist
Author: Lee Chambers
Pages: 196
Published: March 28th 2012

You can find this review here: goodreads

Seventeen year old Aaron stumble into the aftermath of a five million dollar bank heist gone wrong. Hiding under a canoe, Aaron partially catches the murder of one of the robbers. In the chaos he sneaks away with the money and heads straight for the closest place of safety, his high school. Terrified, Aaron tells his shocking tale to Amanda Becker, his drama teacher, but it doesn't take long for one of the psychotic robbers to show up. In the locked down school the pair are relentlessly pursued in a quest to get the money back and wipe out the evidence.

A book full of action? Give me a 100 of those!

In the beginning I was like "Yeah, I guess this will be an okay book" and when I was finished I was like "OMG! GIVE ME MORE NOW!"

The plot was great, and it started out like many action books, but it was the end that made this book GREAT. This book was full of action, from start to end, and it was such a shame that it had to end. This was one of the books, that you are happy to be finished with, but also sad because you didn't want it to end.
The ending was fantastic, so thrilling, it had my stomach jump. I didn't see it coming at all!

The characters were good and full of personality. They were all very likeable, even the main character. Even though, I have to admit that I started out not liking him. But he was one of the characters that grows on you. I also liked Mike very much, he wasn't one of the main characters, and was actually  not a big part of the story. But I still liked him!
One of the characters I didn't like was Carl, I just hated him from the start. It was something about him that made me puke every time he said something.

I'm so glad that Pineville Heist was not one of the clique books with all the goofy love. Don't get me wrong! I love romance, but please take the kissing and stuff to either after you have saved the world or before.
The action was super awesome! I loved it and I'm so glad it lasted so long!

I give it 4 stars!! 


  1. I love books with lots of action. I haven't heard of this but will have to check it out.

    Peace & Love
    Crystal @ YA Society


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