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Waiting On Wednesday (7)

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at breaking the spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Title: Pretty Little Liars #12: burned
Author: Sara Shepard
Release Date: 12/04-2012

I'm really looking forward to this book!

It's spring break, and the pretty little liars are trading in Rosewood for a cruise vacation. They want nothing more than to sail into the tropical sunset and leave their troubles behind for one blissful week. But where Emily, Aria, Spencer and Hanna go, A goes, too. From scuba diving to tanning on the upper deck, A is there, soaking up all their new secrets.

Emily is smooching a stowaway, Aria's treasure-hunting partner is a little too interested in her booty. Spencer's going overboard trying to land a new boy. And a blast - or rather, a crash - from Hanna's past could mean tough waters ahead for everyone.

The liars better tighten their life jackets. A perfect storm is brewing, and if they aren't careful, A will bury them at sea...

What is your Waiting On this week? 


  1. Oooh I've yet to read any of the Pretty Little Liars books, but the show is on one of my 'I really should watch this' lists. I was always afraid the idea of 'A' would get a little old, but does it manage to keep you captivated?

    Fun pick! Rywn @ Book Brats

    1. I really love that series and A is awesome. Like the coolest character! :D

  2. Hm... I watch the TV series but I haven't read the books :)

    Krazyyme @ Young Readers

  3. I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I had no idea there was a television show about these. lol I can't believe they're up to 12 books though! That's a long series to still be going strong so it has to be pretty good.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out my pick. I'm a new GFC follower. ;)

  4. This sounds really interesting - hope you get a chance to read it soon.

  5. Never read this series, not really one for contemporary or "regular" mystery. I need me some paranormal! Hope you love it though once you read it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. I still need to finish reading all of these books! I'm currently at Twisted in the series. I've yet to start it though.

  7. I really need to start reading those books again. Good thing school starts and I'll be able to pick some of them from the library there... This one sounds great!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Come check out my WOW post.

    1. Aww, you are lucky that have them on your library! ^^ I have to buy them from USA :/

  8. This is a WOW for me as well. I have not read the 11th book. I am waiting for the 12th to come out and reread them all. It is probably terrible to say, I loved the series, but I am happy to send it finally end. I don't think they could have dragged anymore out of it.
    Thanks for stopping by

    1. I agree with you. And I'm really looking forward to the end! I hope she do a twist on it ^^

  9. I will admit I haven't read the books yet..I watch the show and love it but I really need to pick up the books!

    1. Yeah, they are great! The show is great too, but the books are better ^^


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