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Would You Rather...?

I was tagged by the awesome person Delaney at the random ranterer and the wonderful person Karen (love her name (A) ) at cheerful reviews. Thanks!

1) Intros! - Tell us about yourself and your blog.
2) answer the 6 questions in anyway you want.
3) Tag 6 bloggers (or however many people you want to tag)
4) Tell them they have been tagged and like back to your blog post.
5) Put the Would You Rather...? picture to your blog post.

About me: 
My name is Karen, I'm 16 years old and live in cold and rainy Norway. My blog is about books (Sounds really boring o.O) But I absolutely love to blog about books and read other book blogs! I stared blogging because I got inspired from other blogs, and I wanted to try it out myself.

  • Reading: Would you rather read a classic book or a dictionary? 
Isn't dictionaries really interesting? It's like a new word all the time, you never know what's next! Totally love them, I think I read like three of them. But they are all kinda similar, so I think two of the authors got 'inspired' from the other. No, who am I fooling, I would rather read a classic book.

  • Getting: Would you rather receive a $50 gift card to a bookshop or a library card? 
I would rather want the $50 gift card, since I already have a library card ^_^

  • Shopping: Would you rather look at books at a bookstore or a library ?
I would rather look at books at the bookstore, since they are new and the library don't have all the  books I want. And library books, smells funny...

  • Sleeping: Would you rather stay up and see what happens in the book (and it's a part where it's a must) or go to sleep? 
Well it's a reason why my circadian rhythm are  ****** up... 

  • Writing: Would you rather write on your laptop/computer or in a notebook/paper?
Well I kinda like both options. This night I wrote a bunch of poems in my notebook. But when it comes to school tests, then I hate it! Since we normally write and do tests on the laptop and I prefer that. 

  • Eating: would you rather eat while you read or keep glancing at the bag of food while reading? 
As a good and decent girl, I would say I would rather glance at the bag of food... but when nobody is looking the I would eat the whole bag like a crazy starving person. 


I hope you will enjoy it!  


  1. Hahaha I thought you DO enjoy reading a dictionary! You scared me a bit there, Karen! Wonderful answers! ^^

  2. I was believing you there for a sec with the dictionary thing. I was like oh karen, bless your heart. ROFL . Haha I loved reading your answers btw.
    & OMG YOU PUT MY BUTTON ON YOUR BLOGG. That made me so happy. ;__; brb while I put your link on my blog. [ If you make a button let me know~~~! ]

    1. Haha! xD And thanks ^_^

      Of course I did! I'm like your biggest stalker! Haha, so sweet of you!

  3. Wow. Thank you so much for this wonderful honor and for sharing my blog button on your site! I'm sad to see you've taken a break already, now that I've just discovered your site, but I completely understand. Do let me know if you decide to jump back into things! And thank you again! xo

    1. You're welcome! Yeah, I'm back now :) Thank you for your comment!

  4. Hahaha You are so funny <3 I really believed the dictionary thing aswell xD That acctually scared me a bit!! until I understood you were joking.. I thought for real my best freind were turning in to a freak x) thank God you'r the same still!! <3 <3 love you! U rock!!! keep on reading those books, you book-worm! ;D <3 miss u <3

    - Marie <3

    1. Hahaha! You are so easy to fool! But... I'm a freak o.O Naaaah ^_^ Love you too! <3 Hahaha, I will ;) Miss you! We have to spend more time together!


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