Title: Justice (deck of lies)
Author: Jade Varden
Published: December 24th 2011
Pages: 154
A House of Cards ....
When you build an entire life on a foundation of lies, it only takes one truth for the whole this to come crashing down. I never invited the truth in. I never when searching for it. I never had any reason to suspect that the two people I love most were dishonest with me every second of every day.
I made one bad decision, and in a single day my entire world changed. If I'm ever going to discover the truth about myself and my parents, I have to trace all the lies back to their source. I have to try to find the truth that they're hiding.
The more I discover about myself, and my past, the more I realize that lies really are better that the truth. But now that I know the lies are all around me, I can't stop until I've discovered them all. I'll pull each lie away, one by one, and examine it to see what's underneath.... until this house of cars crumbles into dust at my feet.
I just hope I can survive the crash.
When I first got a request to read this book I hesitated a little, I know I not supposed to judge a book by it's cover, but I still do. And that pink cover didn't catch my attention, but I'm very glad I gave it a try.
The plot was great and well done. I loved the actions and the situations the main character got caught up in. The book touched me, and it was so hard to stop reading it. I was looking forward to get home and read more, I was so obsessed in it and couldn't stop talking about it.
The main character Rain was so lovable, her feelings reached me. Rain found herself in so many bizarre situations, you can totally sympathize with her, and her way of dealing with those situations. Rain was a great character, can't get enough of her.
The ending was great, such a cliff hanger, feel like reading the sequel already! Gawd, you know how some are crazy cat ladies, well okay, I'm a crazy cat lady too, but I'm a crazy book lady too. Am I normal? Please say it's some one out there that is just like me?
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